New years spritzer- for kids!

With New Year parties coming up, I decided it would be appropriate to create a drink, that is non-alcoholic for kids AND adults! This recipe serves 3-4 people (make right before you want to serve it!)

You will need:

1 bottle sparkling water- flavorless
6-8 table spoons honey
10 table spoons brown sugar (or brown salt )
3 cups tropical fruit juice (GOYA Mango, Peach, Guava, etc.)
1 orange
10 ice cubes

To make:

  1. Pour the honey on a plate
  2. Coat the rim of the wine glasses (or regular glasses ) with the honey
  3. After coated with honey, dip into the sugar
  4. Set into the fridge or freezer
  5. In a big pitcher, mix the bottle of sparkling water with the juice
  6. Take the glasses out and pour the mixture over ice
  7. Thinly slice the orange and put on the rim of each glass

Happy new year!


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