S car go! (and other cheesey food jokes)
Okay , take a break from the recipes and focus on fun!
Jokes about food:
Jokes about food:
- Q: What does an aardvark like on its pizza? A: Ant-chovies!Q: "Waiter, will my pizza be long?" A: "No sir, it will be round!"luv Asha
Q: What is a dog's favorite pizza? A: PUParonni!Q: What did the pepperoni say to the cook? A: You wanna pizza me?Q: When can a pizza marry a hot dog? A: After they have a very frank relationship!Q: What is a scarecrow's favorite fruit? A: Straw-berries!Q: What do you call a sad strawberry? A: A blueberry.Q: What did one strawberry say to the other strawberry? A: If you weren't so sweet, we wouldn't be in this jam!Q: Why were the little strawberries upset? A: Because their parents were in a jam!
source: http://www.jokes4us.com/miscellaneousjokes/foodjokes/strawberryjokes.html
Ha Ha! Soo funny love them!